Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Miracles of Jesus - Eyewitness Testimony

The miracles of Jesus range from changing water into wine to healing the lame and the blind. How do we know He did these things? We have the eyewitness testimony of four gospel writers, who record at least 35 miracles of Jesus. (For a complete list of Christ's miracles and where in Scripture you can find them, click on the link at the bottom of this page.)

Miracles of Jesus - What Are They?

A miracle of Jesus would be defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary as "an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs, or as an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment." According to the Biblical Studies Foundation, a miracle "is an unusual and significant event (terasa) which requires the working of a supernatural agent (dunamis) and is performed for the purpose of authenticating the message or the messenger (semeion)."

While there are many explanations for what a miracle is, we can probably all agree that the word "miracle" describes an event that occurs outside the bounds of natural law, and which is beneficial in its result. During the course of His three-year public ministry, Jesus performed miracles that demonstrated His ability to heal, to master the elements, to affect the outcome of our endeavors, and even to raise the dead. Every one of His miracles occurred outside the bounds of natural law, and all of them had a beneficial result.

Miracles of Jesus - What Lessons Can We Learn from Them Today?

If we look at just the first miracle of Jesus, recorded in John 2:1-11, we learn a lot about this singular Man. First, even though He was God and "on mission," He took time to go to a wedding. Jesus loved people; He came to be with and save people. Do you value your relationships and look for ways to bless others when you are with them?

Second, Jesus turned water into wine at His mother's request. Did Mary expect Him to do a miracle? We don't know that, but we can see from the verses that Mary clearly relied on and had faith in her Son to be able to fix a bad situation. Who do you turn to in times of trouble? Are you relying on someone you can trust to do the right thing?

Third, when Jesus performed this miracle, He was demonstrating His power over nature. When His disciples saw this, John tells us, they believed. Also, Jesus didn't settle for just ordinary wine, but turned the water into the finest of wines, showing Himself to be a Man full of the joy of life. Have you been searching everywhere for truth, but putting off Christ for last? Why wait? Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Have you thought that being a Christian is to live a dull, boring life? Jesus wants you to believe as His disciples did, and the experience promises to be dynamic, exciting and life-changing.

Does Jesus still perform miracles today? After all, we don't see Him physically walking in our midst - or do we? Do you know someone who has been healed or whose life has been transformed by a relationship with Christ? Then you have seen a modern-day miracle of Jesus. You, too, can be an eyewitness to a miracle of Christ. Like Mary, you can ask Him, believing He will do what is best for you. Let a miracle of Jesus begin in your heart right now.
What Is A Church?

A church is a group of believers in Jesus Christ, associated together, under Christ, for His purposes.

The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible says the English word "church" is derived from the Greek word kyriakon, which means something belonging to the Lord.

"`Church' in the New Testament, however, renders Greek ekklesia, which mostly designates a local congregation of Christians and never a building. An ekklesia was a meeting or assembly. Its commonest use was for the public assembly of citizens duly summoned . . . ," according to the New Bible Dictionary.

"Ekklesia was originally employed by the Greeks to denote an assembly or congregation of free citizens summoned or `called out' by a herald in connection with public affairs (Acts 19:39)." (Zondervan)

"In no case is the word used with reference to a building in which public worship is conducted. The word "church" is applicable essentially to people . . ." (Zondervan)

"It is the presence of the living Lord which authenticates the local church which in turn is an expression of the universal Church." (Zondervan)


20 "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."

"It is of note that in comparison with the meticulous detail given to Israel concerning Tabernacle and priesthood, little is said in the New Testament concerning church order and administration, although the qualifications of those who hold office are clearly enunciated. The picture presented by the New Testament would seem to suggest that the true unity of the Church is best expressed through a considerable variety of external forms." (Zondervan)

"Of the life and organization of the churches generally, we know very little, except for Jerusalem, which was not typical. Differences of church government, forms of ministry, moulds of thought and levels of moral and spiritual achievement were probably greater than we commonly realize." (New Bible Dictionary)